BCHD's Developer law firm - RUTAN - has another client that wants 1 Million sqft at the AES Site
Stop the RB City Council from Destroying BCHD-adjacent Areas
BCHD Refused to Keep its Commitment to PROTECT SURROUNDING RESIDENTS
Why is the Redondo Beach City Council Attempting to SPOT UPZONE BCHD?
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: The Explicit Direction of the Electorate to BCHD
BCHD's Budget Forecasts a Structural Deficit
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: A Clear Vote of No Confidence in the Board, Executives and Future Plans for BCHD
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: We MUST Force BCHD to Restructure allcove
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: Time for the Board to Resign?
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: What was Measure BC?
BCHD Board Member Poster published her DELIBERATELY MISLEADING statement to the City Council in ADVANCE of the Meeting
Daily Breeze: No on BC
The Loss of Neighborhood Value Adjacent to New Medical/Commercial Development
The Case for BCHD Poster's Removal from BCHD Office
BCHDs allcove - a $6.3M Grant with a $172M Cost
FACT CHECK: BCHD CEO Bakaly Response to Brenda O'Leary - Page 4
FACT CHECK: BCHD CEO Bakaly Response to Brenda O'Leary - Page 3